woensdag 22 juli 2020

Spigot block names

Static Material: matchMaterial (String name, boolean legacyName) Attempts to match the Material with the given name. Material (Spigot-API 5-R-SNAPSHOT API) 14rijen Check if the material is a block and completely blocks vision. A block that is going to or is about). Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.

Attempts to match the Material with the given name. Commands may not be visible if not allowed by permission. Block (Spigot-API -R-SNAPSHOT API) Represents a block.

It is also a good time to point out that when seeking support from us or the community, the only supported server versions are recent CraftBukkit Spigot . Nothing else -) My question was how to get the full name of it or just the data, because the getData method is deprecated.

Spigot block names

EZBlocks SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft eck blocks set player amount Set a players block broken amount to a specific number. ASkyBlock SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft ASkyblock accepts the following commands that begin with islan as or is. Static EntityType values Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type.

Minecraft ID and Name Lists Each item, block, entity, mob, enchantment, status effect and sound effect in Minecraft has an ID and Name assigned to it. SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Block biome information is now 3-dimensional, not just column based. EntityType (Spigot-API 5-R-SNAPSHOT API) Some entities cannot be spawned using World.

The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type.

Minecraft ID and Name Lists

Sound (Spigot-API -R-SNAPSHOT API)

These internal game values are essential to know when performing commands and cheats such as give, summon, enchant, effect or stopsound. WARNING : At any time, sounds may be addedremoved from this Enum or even MineCraft itself. This is a live object, and only one Block may exist for any given location in a world. Here is the list of IDs and Names in Minecraft.

What I want is, if I click with an item on a block like a wooden axe, I want get the name of the clicked block.

EZBlocks SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft

T blocks version View the plugin version. Solved - How to get name of block? Island - generates a new islan opens the GUI or teleports the player to their islan home location or the team island.

The state of the block may change concurrently to your own handling of it use tState to get a snapshot state of a block which will not be modified. This plugin also has an API and is used in many plugins to. Boolean: isRecord boolean: isSolid Check if the material is a block and solid (can be built upon). Particle (Spigot-API 5-R-SNAPSHOT API) Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. Sound (Spigot-API -R-SNAPSHOT API) An Enum of Sounds the server is able to send to players.

Min blocks reload Reload the EZBlocks config.
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